Short term and long term getaways are a fantastic way to explore new ideas, develop new skills, de-stress and to go places you have always wanted to go.

Respite Care Services Perth

Solution Street can support individuals and families to develop and create your ideal getaway. We work closely with you and your family to put together the getaway of a lifetime.

Solution Street recognises the valuable role of carers and families supporting loved ones at home and understands that finding a solution to taking a well deserved break is not always easy. We offer a structured but flexible approach to ensuring your Respite expectations are met.

It is not always easy caring or being cared by a loved one, we understand it can be demanding and take up a lot of your time. Due to these demands it is important to take a break. Cambridge dictionary defines respite as ‘a pause or rest from something difficult.’ With our Perth Respite Care Services you can access the perfect Respite Accommodation wherever, whenever you need. It could be for a couple of hours, days or weeks. Wanting to de-stress? Solution Street is here to cater to you and assist you in planning your well-earned break for both you and your care giver.

NDIS Short Term Accommodation Perth

Your perfect respite accommodation service is only one call away.

At Solution Street we pride ourselves on placing your needs and expectations as priority. We offer complete service flexibility for regular, occasional, short term and long term respite clients.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Australia provides funding and support to those who have a disability, mental illness or developmental delay. NDIS state that, ‘every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and the funding they have received. NDIS participants use their funding to purchase supports and services that will help them pursue their goals.’

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent agency which assists and supports those who have National disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) claims. NDIA will refer and support those with significant and permanent disabilities, as well as their families, to services and activities. NDIA also guarantee that these are personalised to each individual and, if needed, funds are available to support these services and activities. This meaning you can use your funding for your short-term accommodation today.

Solution Street with assistance of NDIS will help you plan your respite short term accommodation. Per year, NDIS can fund up to 28 days of short term accommodation, you don’t need to take this all at once, you are able to take it in however many day increments as you wish. If you need short term care, Solution Street is here to support and assist you with these supports during your short term stay.